Do you wish to take your creativity to the next level? It's time for you to be fabulous, struggle less, and elevate the clarity to grow your ideas to their ultimate potential. Implementing a new planning system to help you grab some of the bigger goals of life and break them down into more effortless pieces is a master plan in itself. It bridges the gap between you and your significant life goals written on the structured pages to plan and organize them. One of the things that you can write in a journal is brainstorming to your heart's content. Each new page is wide open for use, so everything's fair game to improve your productivity. Benefits of keeping a journal: When done regularly, journaling is a simple exercise with enormous benefits. It has been found to increase a person's overall quality of life and provide considerable mental and physical health advantages. There are several reasons you might commence journaling:
How to journal effectively? Healthy living journey has always inspired you as a way to combine effective planning with journaling easily. We have brought you a run-through of the best journals and planners found today to help you organize your life events and practice self-care and self-development in a better, peaceful and productive way. Everyone may benefit from journaling, and it has several health benefits. Even in treatment, patients can utilize their diaries to communicate with their therapist. Physically, psychologically, and emotionally, journaling is beneficial. But what if you see yourself clung, looking at a blank page in vain hopelessly like many of us? Set up a specific area and time for writing on our composition journals that are a fancier option to unlock and activate right-brained creativity, which allows you to access your full brainpower and creativity and let it foster growth. Healthy Living Journey has brought you several solutions tailored to your likes and needs. Check out some of the best journals/planners Healthy Living Journey has to offer! The Chakra Planner:
"It's a complete spiritual journey." The Law of Attraction Planner: You create what you think. You attract what you feel, and you become what you imagine. "And that's the Law of Attraction!" The Oracle Card Journal: "Seek the lesson and you will find it yourself." The Crystals Journal: "Connect deeper with the world" The Self-Love Planner: "The world needs the best of you, not the rest of you." Until next time...peace & blessings, Demeka P.S. Purchase your Journal/Planner by clicking here... P.S.S. Aside from offering journal/planner products, Healthy Living Journey also provides Nutritional Consulting services among other services. P.S.S.S. Book a free Clarity Session with Demeka in Stone Mountain, GA and have a professional help you with your nutritional needs. You can also contact us @ 678.701.7757.
Check out the recent Redfin article we were featured in:Looking for a way to improve the energy of a room while also elevating its design? Look no further than using crystals to adorn your home. Crystals have been used for years as both decorative items and to cleanse and rejuvenate a space, but how do you use them beyond their natural beauty? ![]() With help from us and other experts, Redfin put together a room-by-room guide on the best crystals to have in your home. Whether you're looking to cleanse your new Chicago, IL, apartment before moving in or manifesting a more peaceful space in your ornate Victorian-style home, read on to find out how to utilize these crystals in your home design. Click on the link below to see what crystals Healthy Living Journey suggest... Peace & Blessings,
Demeka P.S. If you're looking for someone to help in you health and spiritual journey, book a breakthrough session with me (Demeka Tigner - Holistic Life Coach) now... click here! You can also contact me @ 678.701.7757. You may have heard of a Zen concept called beginner’s mind. It’s one way of describing the way we feel, and the rapid progress we make when we take up a new activity that we’re excited about. You can cultivate that mindset so that it becomes a lasting part of your meditation practice or any endeavor. Consider these 3 elements that will help you delight in learning more about yourself and what brings you peace and joy. Being Enthusiastic The first time you bake sourdough bread or bike to work, you may be enthralled by the whole experience. After it becomes a regular habit, you start to feel a little stale. See how to hold onto your initial zeal:
Getting Down to Basics Maybe the basics of meditation sound like stuff you already know. In reality, building a strong foundation helps you to quiet your mind and stick to a regular schedule. Meanwhile, keeping that foundation firm requires periodic maintenance.
Managing Expectations Each meditation session is different. Whether you’re just starting out or you’ve been sitting for years, you may be surprised by what happens.
A beginner’s mind can enrich your meditation practice and any of your daily activities. Stay open to the possibilities that surround you. Greet each day like a new start, and enjoy more happiness and fulfillment.
Until next time...peace & blessings, Demeka Purchase your meditation crystal kit by clicking here... Purchase your meditation incense by clicking here... Aside from offering meditation products and more, Healthy Living Journey also provides spiritual consulting services among other services. So book a session with Demeka in Stone Mountain, GA and have a professional help you in discovering mental clarity. You can also contact us @ 678.701.7757. Everybody feels passionate about something. Sometimes it takes a while to figure out exactly what that is, but you have big dreams inside of you that are driven by your deepest values and convictions. Discovering this passion will dramatically increase your sense of joy, happiness, and confidence in every area of your life. Work The most popular advice for career success is to find something you love, and then find a way to make money doing it. If you can find a way to support yourself working in a field you enjoy, you'll get up every morning looking forward to doing something that hardly feels like work. Sometimes, however, you're stuck in a position that's less than ideal. If you explore the values and dreams within yourself and match them to particular aspects of your job, your daily grind can quickly turn into a daily pleasure. By finding deep meaning in what you do, your enthusiasm for work will naturally increase. Social Life When you find your passion, you can seek out others who share that passion and revel in it. You can open yourself up to a whole new circle of people and experiences. When a group of people who share the same passion get together and talk about it, entertaining dialogue always ensues. Whether it's a vigorous debate or a lengthy rant, it's always good fuel for your soul. Discovering the passion inside of you makes you a more interesting person. Even when you're spending time with people who have totally different interests, you can exchange ideas on a whole new level and enjoy each other's company more when you have more to share. Your friends, family, and colleagues may feed off your interest and enthusiasm. Your passion may become contagious, and you may win them over to your cause. With more in common, you'll experience a deeper relationship and more meaningful fellowship when you share your passion with others. Recreation
Are you easily bored or anxious? The quickest antidote is to discover what makes you tick. Your passion is the fuel that ignites the joy you were created to experience. Infusing your passion into your weekly schedule, even in small amounts, can have a dramatic affect on the happiness you feel throughout the rest of the week. Romance Knowing what your passion is can give you a barometer for potential romantic partners. If you find someone who shares your passion, or is at least supportive of it, you can develop a relationship where you can share your passion with someone who feels passionate about you. Get Started Today! Experience the power of finding your passion today. All it takes is a few minutes of quiet time alone, an open mind, and a determination to live the life of joy that you were born to live. Grab a piece of paper and a pen, and ask yourself some questions.
As you explore, you'll discover the passion that burns deep within your heart. Ask yourself how you can pursue that passion, starting today, even if it's only on a small scale. Your life will never be the same. Peace & Blessings, Demeka P.S. If you're looking for someone to help you find your passion, book a breakthrough session with me (Demeka Tigner - Holistic Life Coach) now... click here! You can also contact me @ 678.701.7757. Even the most experienced and successful achievers can use a little help getting motivated from time to time. Motivating yourself is a learnable skill. Everyone procrastinates at times. It’s human nature. Several tactics and strategies can lift your motivation to the critical level necessary to get yourself moving again. Try these techniques to motivate yourself and get things done:
Let's say YASSSSS to getting busy...take care, Demeka P.S. If you're looking for someone to help you stay motivated, book a breakthrough session with me now... click here! You can also contact me @ 678.701.7757. ![]() Don't forget to check out Healthy Living Journey's "Book of the Week" 30 Days To Spectacular Self-Love, click here to get yours now! You’ve probably seen website ads and natural food stores promoting miracle foods and potions that claim to boost your immune system. Are they worth the money? In reality, a healthy lifestyle will probably do more for your immune system than anything you can buy. The same habits that keep you strong and fit will maximize your resistance to infection and illness. At the same time, it’s important to follow the advice of public health experts related to contagious illnesses, such as COVID-19. Practice social distancing, wash your hands frequently, and call your doctor promptly if you have any symptoms that concern you. Sensible precautions and healthy choices can lower your risk of disease. Consider these 15 simple ways to enhance your immunity… EATING HABITS THAT SUPPORT IMMUNITY:
Even when you’re at rest, your immune system is working to protect you day and night. Taking care of your body will help it to do its job so you can lead a long and active life. Share your thoughts - How do you enhance your immune system? Leave me a comment below. Demeka P.S. If you're looking for someone to help you on your health journey, please give me a call, I'm a Certified Nutritional Consultant and Herbalist. Book a session with Demeka in Stone Mountain, GA. You can also contact me @ 678.701.7757. ![]() Prescription for Herbal Healing - By: Phyllis A. Balch CNC, Stacey Bell Research has discovered a full moon can affect our physical well being in many ways.
British researchers in 2008 found a link between the lunar cycle and what doctors call "medically unexplained stroke symptoms", where patients develop complaints such as headaches, numbness and coordination issues but have nothing physically wrong with them. (More of this article can be found here).
Share your thoughts - Do you experience any changes in your health during the full moon or new moon? Leave me a comment below. Demeka p.s. The 2022 Menstrual / Period / Moon Tracker is here to check it out! p.s.s. If you're looking to up your ritual manifestation game, check out my Moon Phase Manifestation Planner. It has everything you need to get started! Check it here! Are you struggling with your meditation practice? Meditation is one of the best personal development activities you can perform. While it takes time and patience to become an expert, there are many things you can do to make your time spent meditating easier and more effective. Enhance your meditation experience: 1. Find the proper position. You might not be able to sit in a full-lotus position for hours on end, but you don’t need to. There are two keys to proper posture for meditation:
2. Start slowly. It would appear that sitting still and controlling your thoughts for an hour should be easy. It seems like you’re not doing anything, so why can’t you do it indefinitely, or at least until you need to use the restroom? But meditation is hard work! Start with just five minutes and build from there. 3. Give yourself the best chance to be successful. Some situations make meditation easier to perform than others. Choose an environment conducive to meditating.
4. Consider the use of guided meditation. It can be easier to meditate to someone else’s voice than to take the task on alone. There are plenty of free options online you can try. 5. Give different types of meditation a try. One is sure to appeal to you more than others. Do a little research and determine which type interests you the most. Here are a few to get you started:
6. Meditate with others. It’s not always easy to know if you’re meditating properly. Meditating in a group setting can provide the instruction and support that you need to advance your meditation practice. Give several groups a try before making a decision. You’ll find one group that appeals to you more than the others. 7. Use a timer. A common challenge is the constant checking of the time. You might want to get it over with, or you might be worried about being late for your next activity. A timer frees up your attention and permits a higher level of focus. Meditation is a simple process, but challenging. Do everything you can to make your meditation sessions as productive as possible. While meditation can be difficult, it isn’t impossible. Be persistent and enjoy the many benefits that meditation provides. Till next time peace & blessing, Demeka Purchase your meditation crystal kit by clicking here...
Purchase your meditation incense by clicking here... Aside from offering meditation products and more, Healthy Living Journey also provides spiritual consulting services among other services. So book a session with Demeka in Stone Mountain, GA and have a professional help you in discovering mental clarity. You can also contact us @ 678.701.7757. As the new moon approaches on 11/4/2021, I begin to think about what crystals I would like to work with. I also think about what corresponding energies (herbs, oils, talismans, etc.) I can use to manifest my desired outcome. Working with aligning energies intensifies my rituals and results. I usually don't work on rituals the day of the new moon because there is really nothing to work with (the moon's energy is low). I will perform my ritual on the 5th (the moon will still be in Scorpio as well, this is perfect because my Moon sign is in Scorpio too). Use this Scorpio moon's energy for self-improvement, correct bad habits and any short comings you may have. This moon will increase sensitivity and you may become emotional charged, so don't get swept away by irritability, mood swings or hysteria! This is a good time to begin a learning process, reading, and studying. It's said during this time and phase of the moon to be generous to others, and yourself, EVERYTHING WILL COME BACK MULTIPLIED! Business wise - it's early to begin new and important actions, this day is for thinking, planning, and gathering strength. Btw, if you're looking for the right time to conceive a child...this is a GOOD time. Below are the crystals I will be working with in my New Moon ritual. Crystals...
Hope this helps you on your moon/crystal journey, Demeka p.s. If you're looking to up your ritual manifestation game, check out my Moon Phase Manifestation Planner. It has everything you need to get started! Check it here! p.s.s.
If you're looking for someone to help you on your spiritual journey to help you manifest your desires book a reading with Demeka in Stone Mountain, GA. You can also contact me @ 678.701.7757. Natural skin care products could save your life! That’s a bold statement to make, but it’s also quite true considering the alarming number of chemical products we use in our daily lives without even knowing it. You’ve probably been considering more natural alternatives for all your skincare needs for quite some time now but just don’t know the best place to start. Fortunately, I’ve got you covered! Being your own personal “Kitchen Khemist” can be extremely difficult when it comes to mixing up the perfect natural skincare remedies to match your skin type. Every single skincare roadblock you’ve run into, I’ve probably dealt with as well. All the organic skincare solutions you need are included in my newest guidebook “Natural Skin Care Basics”! There are many different items on the market today that claim to be organic skincare products but don’t really hold true to their claims. This is shown by the long list of chemicals mixed into numerous washes and creams that touch your delicate skin every single day! If living a healthier lifestyle has been on your mind for quite some time now, keep reading to learn how to create the best natural skincare products in the comfort of your own home! Crawl Before You Walk Starting a journey to take your health more seriously is extremely difficult but trust me, you’re up for the challenge! The first step you need to take is completing all the necessary background research on the current “natural” skincare products you use in your daily skincare routine. There are certain natural herbs and essential oils you want to make sure all your products have. Learn about all the secrets the cosmetic industry has been hiding from you right here! Understand the Cosmetic Industry It’s safe to say that the cosmetic industry has unfortunately led many people astray. Initially, you may be extremely happy with your newest face wash or body butter that is going to last you an extremely long time without you having to take any preservation steps on your end. I’ll let you in on a little secret, that right there is a HUGE red flag! Do you have to apply your “favorite” moisturizer multiple times a day because your skin continuously feels dry? Mainstream industries need to increase the shelf life of their products by adding the toxic chemicals that are actually harmful and drying to your skin. They suck up every bit of natural oil you have which constantly leaves your face feeling dry and itchy. That’s NOT the way it should be! There are so many different chemicals the cosmetic industry uses that have extremely negative effects on your skin. Make sure you create the best natural skincare products for you before the winter months roll around. Check out the entire list of every harmful chemical you need to know about in this natural skincare Guidebook! Know Your Skin What better way to start a natural skincare journey than to truly learn about your skin. Everyone’s skin is different so you need to understand exactly what type of skin you have before you create the organic skincare products that are tailored just for you! It may be difficult to find helpful and accurate recipes online because although many people claim to be experts, they don’t truly know how to make your beautiful skin stand out from the crowd! Don’t waste your time finding random recipes on the internet that will leave you with a bunch of products that don’t produce the results you want. The tips in this guidebook are tried and true! Your Natural Skincare Solution Are you ready to see your skin vibrant and glowing once again? Don’t waste your precious time combing the Internet for the “perfect” ingredients. You will most likely end up on a rabbit trail that will just have you running right back to the toxic, chemical-rich products that landed you here in the first place! Let’s work on your natural skincare journey together! This “Natural Skincare Basics” Guidebook is going to give you the tools and knowledge you need to one again feel confident in your own skin. Why not make self-care day every single day? This Guidebook contains the full-body, organic skincare remedies you need to create products for every part of your skin from your cleansed face all the way down to your moisturized toes! Soothe your spirits by joining our natural skincare family today! Take Care,
Demeka P.S. If you're looking for someone to help you on your skin care journey, please give me a call, I'm a Certified Herbalist and Skin Care Creator. Book a session with Demeka in Stone Mountain, GA. You can also contact me @ 678.701.7757. |
Holistic Wellness ArchitectI help women over 40 build wellness strategies that nurture their body, mind, and spirit. By combining holistic healing practices, creative empowerment techniques, and supportive community connections, I guide them toward unlocking a life filled with vibrancy and fulfillment. Categories
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