Check out the recent Redfin article we were featured in:Looking for a way to improve the energy of a room while also elevating its design? Look no further than using crystals to adorn your home. Crystals have been used for years as both decorative items and to cleanse and rejuvenate a space, but how do you use them beyond their natural beauty? ![]() With help from us and other experts, Redfin put together a room-by-room guide on the best crystals to have in your home. Whether you're looking to cleanse your new Chicago, IL, apartment before moving in or manifesting a more peaceful space in your ornate Victorian-style home, read on to find out how to utilize these crystals in your home design. Click on the link below to see what crystals Healthy Living Journey suggest... Peace & Blessings,
Demeka P.S. If you're looking for someone to help in you health and spiritual journey, book a breakthrough session with me (Demeka Tigner - Holistic Life Coach) now... click here! You can also contact me @ 678.701.7757.
As the new moon approaches on 11/4/2021, I begin to think about what crystals I would like to work with. I also think about what corresponding energies (herbs, oils, talismans, etc.) I can use to manifest my desired outcome. Working with aligning energies intensifies my rituals and results. I usually don't work on rituals the day of the new moon because there is really nothing to work with (the moon's energy is low). I will perform my ritual on the 5th (the moon will still be in Scorpio as well, this is perfect because my Moon sign is in Scorpio too). Use this Scorpio moon's energy for self-improvement, correct bad habits and any short comings you may have. This moon will increase sensitivity and you may become emotional charged, so don't get swept away by irritability, mood swings or hysteria! This is a good time to begin a learning process, reading, and studying. It's said during this time and phase of the moon to be generous to others, and yourself, EVERYTHING WILL COME BACK MULTIPLIED! Business wise - it's early to begin new and important actions, this day is for thinking, planning, and gathering strength. Btw, if you're looking for the right time to conceive a child...this is a GOOD time. Below are the crystals I will be working with in my New Moon ritual. Crystals...
Hope this helps you on your moon/crystal journey, Demeka p.s. If you're looking to up your ritual manifestation game, check out my Moon Phase Manifestation Planner. It has everything you need to get started! Check it here! p.s.s.
If you're looking for someone to help you on your spiritual journey to help you manifest your desires book a reading with Demeka in Stone Mountain, GA. You can also contact me @ 678.701.7757. First, take comfort in the fact that you’ve already passed your first test in bettering your mental health. Acknowledging that you need help and that you might have an issue is the first step. Only by knowing and admitting this do you stand a chance of improving yourself! The second step though is finding the right treatment, and that is where a lot of people get confused. While there are plenty of worthwhile options such as therapy and meditation, most people aren’t able to find the right professional for the job. But this is why more people are now leaning toward crystal healing. Out of all the wellness techniques, crystal healing is one that has helped countless people improve their mental health and stability. The Power of Healing Crystals At its basis, everything on this planet has some form of energy, even us! In keeping with this knowledge, crystal healing utilizes that energy, using the characteristics and force of specific crystals to influence our natural power. These crystals are used to treat a number of ailments, from headaches to body pain, anxiety and more. Regarding its effect on your mental health though, there are three ways through which crystals can transform your energy: - Energizing It’s a lot simpler than it sounds. Basically, healing crystals push their energy into you, influencing your mind, spirit and body. Since your body is usually radiating its own energy, it becomes easier for you to harness this field. - Clearing Aside from giving you energy from their quantum field, crystals can also remove or absorb energy from your body. This is why we often hear crystals being used to get rid of negative energy. - Balancing Your energy levels can easily become misaligned, especially if you’re not able to handle stress and negative energy the right way. Crystals supply their properties to basically repel and attract the energy needed to harmonize your energy levels. How to Use Healing Crystals Aside from keeping a stone close to your person, other ways through which you can tap into your crystal’s healing powers include: - Wearing them as jewelry - Placing them on specific parts of your body - Meditating with them - Using a specific crystal healing grid - Moving them around our body - Sleeping with a stone under your pillow Which Healing Crystal Should You Use?
If you’re not new to the world of crystals, this question might cause a lot of confusion. But that’s where we can help! Aside from offering crystals, chakra products and more, Healthy Living Journey also provides spiritual consulting services among other services. So book a session with Healthy Living Journey in Stone Mountain, GA and have a professional help you in recovering your mental health. From the time of the Ancient Egyptians to today, crystals have played an important role when it comes to spiritual healing. While the Ancient Egyptians primarily used crystals of lapis lazuli, carnelian, emerald, and turquoise for protection purposes, we now use various crystals for everything from protection to purification, eliminating lethargy, negative emotions, and maintaining emotional well-being. Here are a few ways you can use crystals to improve your spiritual health: Turquoise for Protection and Healing Often considered to be the energetic bridge between the earth and heaven, turquoise has been used for centuries as a good-luck charm, for protection purposes, and to help you be more honest. A master stone, turquoise benefits the whole body, detoxifying the body, healing the immune and respiratory systems and also helping balance blood pressure and dental problems. Smoky Quartz for Eliminating Negativity Negative emotions, blocked energy, and old memories holding you back? Smoky quartz might be just what you need. A detoxifying agent, smoky quartz facilitates the act of letting go and finding inner peace. Change is always good and letting go of your old fixed beliefs and patterns might be just what you need to make positive changes in your life. Energize Yourself with Bloodstones Also referred to as the “stone of the warrior,” bloodstone purifies the blood and helps the user open their heart to newer possibilities. Purifying organs, stopping hemorrhages, and improving blood circulation, bloodstone revitalizes the body and makes it more capable of eradicating self-doubt, lethargy, and negative emotions. This magical gemstone may also boost your energy and sex drive, and maintain emotional well-being. Boost Creativity with Carnelian Helping remove blocked creative energy, carnelian acts directly on the Sacral Chakra which is responsible for creativity, emotions, and sexual energy. Combining energizing and focusing properties, the orange stone helps you get out of artistic or creative blocks and increases motivation, energy, and enthusiasm. Cultivate Love with Rose Quartz Working directly upon the Center or Heart Chakra, Rose Quartz improves your ability to feel compassion, empathy, and love—for yourself, your family, friends, significant other, and for humanity as a whole. This crystal makes you more likely to forgive, feel calmer, and let go of negative emotions like jealousy, envy, and hatred.
Buy Healing Crystals for Your Spiritual Health Today Ready to start on your spiritual healing journey? Crystals will be your best friends while you walk on your path to holistic health! Buy crystals, get psychic medium readings and get spiritual consulting services online to help yourself heal naturally at Health Living Journey. When it comes to using healing crystals, everyone has different perspectives and approaches. This has led to quite a few misconceptions about the healing process and the tool it makes use of. Here are a few common myths that are not true. There Is A Specific Way of Connecting With Your Crystal Not only do crystals work differently for different people, each type of crystal has its own unique mechanism. This is why comparing two different stones for having a particular kind of experience, or comparing your progress with someone else just won’t do. There is no one way of connecting with your stone. It may take a person 2–3 weeks to be able to really connect with a gemstone, whereas another individual may feel the spiritual effects after a few days. Give your crystal some time before switching to another kind and don’t limit yourself to one particular method to be able to feel its healing properties take effect. Even just admiring the gems and touching them connects you with them. The connection happens when we become aware of the spirit of the stone. It doesn’t have to take time. It’s more of a ‘felt sense’ than a procedure. You Can Only Use a Set Amount of Crystals at a Time Usually, there is no limit to how many crystals you may use during your healing procedure. You can stick to one particular stone, or incorporate two or three different kinds depending on what it is you’re focusing on. That said, sometimes using multiple crystals can create a conflicting situation. Remember what they say about too many cooks spoiling the broth? Well, having too many grounding stones can have you feeling a little too grounded, and using more than a few crystals to stimulate your upper Chakras can cause your mind to become overloaded. While there is no fixed number of how many crystals you should use at a time, make sure you’re not mixing together the ones with opposing qualities as they may end up cancelling out each other’s effects. The Prettier the Stone, the More Powerful It Is
You may find certain types of stones to be prettier and more appealing than others, but trust us; their appearance has nothing to do with their healing properties. Whether it is round and smooth, rough and chiseled, or polished and shiny, the power of the crystal does not depend on any of these physical traits. The same applies to the size of the crystal as well: bigger is not always better! If the only reason you’re hesitant about purchasing a stone you otherwise feel drawn toward is because you don’t find it beautiful looking, you’ve got another think coming! Don’t base your choice on the appearance of the crystal; get one that has the healing properties you would like to attract. Get your own set of healing crystals at Healthy Living Journey and heal yourself naturally! Our spiritual consulting service provides an extensive range of crystals for you to select from. Healing crystals have gained quite a bit of popularity over the last few years, especially with prominent celebrities sharing their own experiences of using them. How one chooses to use a crystal varies from person to person, and a particular method may be more effective for one individual but less so for another. The good news is, there are so many ways healing crystals can be incorporated into your routine that ultimately you do find the method that works best for you! Use It During Meditation One common way you can use a healing crystal in your daily routine is by incorporating it in your meditation. You can place it on your yoga mat and feel the tranquility created by the crystals as you go about your routine. However, yoga’s not the only way you can meditate using the crystals. In an alternate routine, begin by holding the healing crystal in your hands and keeping your eyes closed. Empty your mind from all thoughts and try to focus on your breathing. As you do this, you may feel you’re being drawn to the earth in a somewhat grounding effect, and your heart will feel light. You may feel a lightness surround you. How you feel during the meditation also depends on how well you connect with the crystal, and different types of crystals are likely to have a different effect on you. Place Crystals on Your Body This may sound bizarre, but you’d be amazed by the transcendental effect it has, completely different from how you feel when holding crystals! Ideally, you should select a crystal that directly corresponds to the specific chakra you’re focusing on, and place it on your body accordingly. Doing so triggers the right kind of energy associated with that chakra and you can feel the healing process in motion. For instance, you can use a quartz crystal and place it over your head when focusing on your crown chakra. This will help you receive guidance and you’ll possibly feel enlightened. Moving the crystal toward your third eye will take you into an even deeper state of meditation. Carry It with You
If meditation is not part of your daily routine, you can take to carrying the crystal with you. This is an extremely doable and convenient way of using healing crystals as part of your everyday routine and requires no additional effort on your part. You can carry the stone however you deem fit. Keep it in your purse, carry it in your pocket, or wear it as an ornament as you go about your day. Whenever you feel the need to center yourself and focus on the intention you have, you can simply pull it out from where you’ve kept it and hold it close to you to feel the positive energy. The more in contact you are with your stone, the more conscious you will be about its healing energy and will feel more spiritually enlightened. Get your own set of healing crystals at Healthy Living Journey and heal yourself naturally! Our spiritual consulting service has an extensive range of crystals for you to pick from. People have utilized the incredible healing powers of crystals for centuries. Crystal healing is considered a mystic ancient science that has brought untold benefits and improvements to peoples’ lives. It is being introduced into the mainstream again as people realize the influence it has to improve body, mind, and the spirit. Whether you wish to clear out negative energy or transform and align positive energies to influence your physical and spiritual health, the metaphysical powers of healing crystals are great ways of bringing some changes to your life. You can harness the powers of a healing crystal with the help of these useful techniques. Wear the Healing Crystals Since healing crystals are capable of absorbing, repelling, or transmitting energy; wearing a crystal can help you balance out the energy around your aura throughout the day. Think of wearing your healing crystals as taking a multivitamin. You take one every day and it provides nourishing effects to your body. Similarly, wearing a healing crystal in the morning can provide you energy for the day. Place the Healing Crystals on Specific Parts of Your Body Another way to utilize the power of healing crystals is by laying the stones in strategic positions on your body. If you want the healing crystals to have a direct and specific effect on a certain part of your body, placing the crystals there is an excellent way of promoting healing and aligning your chakras. Just as you apply an ointment to a wound to heal it, you can place a quartz crystal near your head to ease a headache. Hold the Crystal During Your Meditation
One of the simplest ways of connecting with a healing crystal is by holding it in your hands as you meditate. You can use the crystal to quiet your mind and feel more grounded and at peace with yourself and your surroundings. Each healing crystal will have a different effect so keep experimenting. Create a Healing Crystal Grid Another way to benefit from healing crystals is by creating a healing grid in which you lay out certain crystals in a predetermined pattern. This pattern will receive the energy from the crystal and transform it. The geometry of a healing grid helps bring about the effect faster. Put Them Near You as You Sleep Healing crystals can have a powerful impact on your subconscious mind as you sleep. As you sleep, your rational thinking “switch” has been ‘switched off’ so there are no hurdles for the mind to deal with. This leads to the crystals having an accelerated effect on your mind and bring about results quicker. Place Them in Your Surroundings You can place the healing crystals in your surroundings to block off negative energies and bring in positive vibes. You can also place protective crystals in your house or your car as that can protect you from any accidents or break-ins. If you’re experiencing trouble finding your inner spiritual guidance, spiritual consulting services, such as Healthy Living Journey, can help you heal yourself naturally. We have helped many clients in the past find their true purpose. Contact us on 678-701-7757 today for an online psychic reading session. Harnessing the power of healing crystals to influence outcomes has been surging in popularity for the past few years. Many people are beginning to use healing crystals in order to evoke or attract certain energies that can increase or decrease the likelihood of an event happening. Any crystal can be a healing crystal if used in the correct manner. But since there is a plethora of different crystals, all with unique compositions, each crystal can be used according to your intentions. Since healing crystals require the transfer of energy, some crystals may be a bit more difficult to work with for beginners. The following list of healing crystals is beginner-friendly and can help you start out: 1. Clear Quartz The Clear Quartz crystal is known by many as the Master Healer for its incredible healing properties. It is also one of the most versatile and flexible crystals among many. This makes it an ideal crystal to start out with for beginners. Clear Quartz can enhance the energies of the crystals around it and can cleanse your aura. Make sure to cleanse it regularly to rid it of any negative energy. 2. Amethyst Amethyst is another popular healing crystal used by many for its powerful properties. It can help you clear your mind and look deep inside yourself to seek out the answer only you can know. It assists your intuition and provides spiritual protections. People use it commonly for meditation and for reducing anxiety and stress. 3. Rose Quartz Rose Quartz, also known as the crystal of love and compassion, is a powerful healing crystal for those who are going through emotional trauma or grieving the loss of something or someone. It can help you feel compassion for others and reduce negative energies of sadness and anger. It can also be used to bring new love into your life or help you strengthen your existing relationship. 4. Citrine If you’re looking for a healing crystal that specifically promotes wealth and prosperity in your life, then citrine is a great crystal to work with. It motivates those who use it and completely clears out negative energy. It’s also great for relieving disharmony or tension with relationships and families. In addition, it can clear the mind and boost creativity. 5. Hematite Hematite is quite popular for helping with mental health issues and for bringing emotional stability. It can absorb negative energies that cause anxiety, stress, and worry. It is perfect for those who are looking to gain emotional balance in a hectic life. 6. Bloodstone Bloodstone is referred as by many to be the Healing Stone. It is a powerful healing crystal in the actual sense as it boosts the immune system and completely purifies the body disease causing toxins. It provides relief to those suffering from painful chronic illnesses. It can also boost your energy level and help you stay focused. ![]() Have you just started out on a holistic journey towards a more empowered self? Health Living Journey can provide you with the knowledge, products, and guidance you need to reach your goals. Heal yourself with psychic readings online and holistic nutrition consultant services with our help! |
Holistic Wellness ArchitectI help women over 40 build wellness strategies that nurture their body, mind, and spirit. By combining holistic healing practices, creative empowerment techniques, and supportive community connections, I guide them toward unlocking a life filled with vibrancy and fulfillment. Categories
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