As the new moon approaches on 11/4/2021, I begin to think about what crystals I would like to work with. I also think about what corresponding energies (herbs, oils, talismans, etc.) I can use to manifest my desired outcome. Working with aligning energies intensifies my rituals and results. I usually don't work on rituals the day of the new moon because there is really nothing to work with (the moon's energy is low). I will perform my ritual on the 5th (the moon will still be in Scorpio as well, this is perfect because my Moon sign is in Scorpio too). Use this Scorpio moon's energy for self-improvement, correct bad habits and any short comings you may have. This moon will increase sensitivity and you may become emotional charged, so don't get swept away by irritability, mood swings or hysteria! This is a good time to begin a learning process, reading, and studying. It's said during this time and phase of the moon to be generous to others, and yourself, EVERYTHING WILL COME BACK MULTIPLIED! Business wise - it's early to begin new and important actions, this day is for thinking, planning, and gathering strength. Btw, if you're looking for the right time to conceive a child...this is a GOOD time. Below are the crystals I will be working with in my New Moon ritual. Crystals...
Hope this helps you on your moon/crystal journey, Demeka p.s. If you're looking to up your ritual manifestation game, check out my Moon Phase Manifestation Planner. It has everything you need to get started! Check it here! p.s.s.
If you're looking for someone to help you on your spiritual journey to help you manifest your desires book a reading with Demeka in Stone Mountain, GA. You can also contact me @ 678.701.7757.
Do you have a deep desire to manifest a mate or do you have questions on how to attract the person who you would like to spend your life with. Well you're in luck, I made this post just for you! Below you will see how to shift your mindset to attract and manifest someone just for you. As you read this post imagine in your mind every word coming directly from you and don't forget to answer the questions at the end....let's begin! "I have a crystal-clear image in my mind of the person I want to spend the rest of my life with. When I imagine this person, I feel happy, safe, and excited. I am manifesting this person. The universe is on my side. I have a specific list of attributes of the partner that I am attracting into my life. They already feel familiar to me. It is as if I have known this person for my entire life. I am doing my part to speed up this process. I am developing myself into a person that I admire. I am exploring my interests and engaging in my hobbies. I am maximizing my health. I am practicing financial responsibility. I know that this person is coming to me as quickly as possible. I am patient. I have been waiting for this person for a while, but I am able to wait longer. I know that good things can take time to happen. Until my person arrives, I am continuing to live my life to the fullest. I am preparing myself for their arrival. Today, I am manifesting the person I want to spend my life with. I believe that today might be the day that I finally meet this person in the flesh. I expect wonderful things to happen today." Self-Reflection Questions:
Hope this post help you on your journey to finding your special mate, Demeka P.S. If you're looking for some helpful tools to attract Love or heal heart wounds, check out these items... Heart Chakra Balancing Kit, Love Herbal Incense Blend Kit, Love Crystals.
Aside from offering Love products, Healthy Living Journey also provides spiritual consulting services among other services. So book a session with Demeka in Stone Mountain, GA and have a professional help you to manifest your desires. You can also contact us @ 678.701.7757. If you ask a billionaire, he’ll likely respond that no amount is enough. Others might reflexively say, “One million dollars.” Those that are more thoughtful might have a different number. There comes a point that there might be a better way to spend your time than chasing more money. You’ll never know if you’ve reached that point if you don’t define it. Studies have shown that happiness doesn’t increase beyond an income of $70-75k per year. That’s a comfortable living in most parts of the country, but it’s not enough to drive a new Mercedes every three years and vacation in Europe with the family every summer. It would be tough to send your child to Harvard on a $70,000 salary. How much is enough? It depends on you and your circumstances. Consider how much you need to live fully: 1. How old are you? How much longer do you expect to live? If you’re 90, you probably require less money for the rest of your life than someone that just turned 30. There are actuarial tables that can tell you how much longer you’re expected to live. Plan to live longer than expected! 2. How much are your monthly expenses? What would your expenses be if you were living the life of your dreams? Let your imagination run wild. What expenses would you have? A new bowling ball each year or a second house in Vail? A housekeeper? A thoroughbred? It’s your life. Determine how much it would take to finance your ideal life. 3. Who are you responsible for? Do you have three children that will attend college in the next 10 years? Do you have a spouse that doesn’t work? Do you care for an aging parent? For how long do you expect to financially provide for others? 4. What is your current debt situation? Do you have 20 years left on a mortgage hanging over your head? Significant medical bills? Credit cards? 5. When would you like to retire and how much do you need each month to live comfortably? How would you like to spend your retirement? Do you want to travel regularly? Play golf every day? How much would a typical month in retirement cost?
6. What toys do you want to own? A plane? A Porsche? A boat? A second home? Swimming pool? Motorcycle? There’s no set answer to the question, “How much money is enough?” It’s completely dependent on your desires and circumstances. The number might be quite small or very high. It’s your number. If you’ve never considered how much money you need, take the time to think about it. Money is great for a couple of things: primarily, solving problems and providing choices. It has limited value beyond those two purposes. It’s a mistake to use money for establishing status. To be worried about impressing your peers is best left to your teenager. Needing money for the wrong things is limiting. It requires working longer and harder than necessary. You could be doing other things with your limited time on Earth. Think long and hard about what is most important to you. Ensure that you develop an income, savings, and net worth to acquire the possessions and freedom that will allow you to live your life in the way you desire. Spend time addressing this important issue. You might be able to quit working sooner than you think. If you have a set number as to how much money is enough for you, leave me a comment below because I'd love to see your amount. Thanks for taking your time to read this, Demeka P.S. If you're looking for some helpful tools to attract money check out these items... Prosperity Candle, Prosperity Incense, Money Oil, Joss Paper/Ancestor Money, Money Crystals (Citrine, Jade, Pyrite), more Money Items.
P.S.S If you need one on one help to learn how to vibrate with the frequency of abundance and success, book a reading with Demeka @ 678-701-7757. This upcoming New Moon energy is the perfect time to work with the Law of Attraction...LET'S MANIFEST!!! Creating a Vision/Manifestation Board is one of the easiest ways to work with LOA, so I invite you to share an afternoon with other likeminded we EMPOWER, ENVISION & EXECUTE our desires! Before we begin diving into the fun of cutting and pasting, we will begin with a 5 minute guided meditation to help you get clear and centered before you start your Vision Board. We will also work on a Clarity sheet (a tool that helps you focus on your authentic desires and steer clear of all the chitter chatter going on in your head). LIGHT APPETIZERS, DRINKS AND VISION BOARD MATERIAL INCLUDED Energetic Exchange Sliding Scale: $15 - Blessing (Early Bird...must pay by 12/13/20) $20 - Exchange $25 - Offering RESERVE YOUR SEAT BEFORE THEY'RE ALL GONE...ADD TO CART AND PAY. (only 8 seats available) Location...Due to this event being hosted at a residential location, the address will be sent privately to your inbox...Stone Mountain, GA 30087. Can't wait to see you, Demeka Tigner 1 Ticket to attend Vision Board Party 1 Ticket to attend Vision Board Party 1 Ticket to attend Vision Board Party P.S. I provide spiritual consulting services among other services.
So book a session with me in Stone Mountain, GA. You can also contact me @ 678.701.7757. Manifesting wealth and abundance begins from within. You have to appreciate what you have in your life already – your family, friends, and job – instead of focusing on what you wish you had. Often people waste precious time thinking about what they don’t have. They start to believe their lives will improve if only they had more money, or more friends, or more gadgets. They think about what’s lacking instead of the abundance that is already overflowing into their life. Positive Thinking Brings Abundance If you appreciate what you have, you’ll be inspired to take the necessary actions to bring more of what you want into your life. From a practical point of view, this all starts with living happily with what you have. Now at first, this may sound rather counterproductive, but living happily with what you have doesn’t mean you’re completely satisfied and fulfilled. It simply means that you appreciate all the good parts of your life, and you recognize that you can take those things you have, even if they are few, and build upon them. Very often we take our lives for granted and forget to give thanks for all that is good. If you’re having a tough time recognizing the goodness in your life, then make a gratitude list and continue adding to it everyday. For example:
If you can be happy with what you have now, you’ll have a deeper appreciation for the better circumstances that are coming to you in your future. Just imagine how much more you’ll appreciate your eventual move to a large home with a spacious property if you begin to enjoy your current humble place. Keeping Up with the Neighbors Remember, the term “wealth” doesn’t only relate to money. You can be wealthy by having a loving family who visits often or friends who care for you like one of their own. There’s much more to life than who has the latest designer purse or fanciest sports car in the neighborhood. If you constantly compare yourself to your neighbor, based solely on material possessions, you may not fully understand what your neighbor’s life is like. He may appear wealthy with his BMW, but perhaps he is suffering in his personal life. Be very careful making judgments about others because you never truly know what’s going on behind closed doors. Material possessions alone do not make an abundant life. First Steps Toward Wealth When you don’t have a lot of material possessions and monetary wealth, it ironically becomes easier for you to learn how to save money. Saving money is paramount if you want to build monetary wealth, but in order to do so, you have to learn how to delay gratification. That means you must make sure you’re making more money than you’re spending. Ideally you want to pay for everything you have, not finance it – without truly owning your possessions and going into debt, you’re actually moving farther away from wealth. Besides saving money, the real way to build wealth is to make more money. That may sound rather obvious, but too many people aren’t making the money they can and should. You have to make the conscious decision to get unstuck from your dead-end job and the rat race. You have to rise above the crowd and do something different. That may mean you have to discover creative ways for you to make more money. For many people today, that may mean getting involved in a virtual office or an Internet-based business, but whatever the case might be for you, you can elevate yourself. If you’re unhappy with the money you’re making, you have to starting thinking about ways to increase the amount of money you make so you can realize your dreams. Now go get started! - Demeka Tigner Purchase manifesting Money Oil here...
Purchase manifesting Prosperity Candle here... Purchase manifesting Prosperity Incense here... Aside from offering manifestation products, Healthy Living Journey also provides spiritual consulting services among other services. So book a session with Demeka in Stone Mountain, GA and have a professional help you to manifest your desires. You can also contact us @ 678.701.7757. You’ve probably used candles your entire life for celebratory purposes, as a form of light in case of a blackout, or as part of religious rituals. But candles have a history of being used for gaining spiritual insight and can help detect the presence of negative and positive energies, harmful and harmless otherworldly beings as well as for praying and conducting spells. In the world of candle burning, the way your candle’s flame burns holds a lot of significance. Let us jump right into what each type of candle flame means: A Steady, Strong Flame This flame usually means that your intent is strong and clear and whatever purpose you lit the candle for will reach fruition. If your candle is placed in a glass container but shows no signs of blackening where the flame is, this usually counts as a sign that your wish or spell has been successful. A Weak, Slow Flame This is usually a sign of a poorly executed spell or a weak intention. The flame may sometimes grow larger upon focusing your energy, which could be a sign that your intention is gaining power. A weak flame may also indicate that your timing is wrong or that the spell is not powerful enough to make your intent a reality. A Sizzling, Crackling Flame The spirits you invoked or your ancestors are trying to communicate with you! The louder the sound, the higher the chances that those you seek are opposing your intent and that there will be arguments. Dual Flames
This could be an indication that there are two energies that are either working in tandem or in opposition to each other. If you are performing a protection spell, it could mean that the targeted person is joining forces with your intention to make the protection stronger. If you are performing a hex, your victim might be trying to resist the hex by fighting against it and redirecting it back at you. A Flame That Relights Itself Your intent is not yet powerful enough to be accepted by the spirits, but is strong enough to be considered. Practice harder at building intent, focus harder, and try again. The Candle Does Not Burn You or the room you are in is a victim of black energy which is preventing the spirits from reaching out to you. Sprinkle the room and yourself with purification herbs like mugwort and white sage and get rid of the negative energy before trying again. Schedule an Online Intent Candle Reading Today Get the help of a professional psychic medium readings to find out what your intention candle is trying to tell you. Buy herbal incense sticks to help with focus and purification, as well as white sage and other herbs at our online store for intention candles. Contact us at 678-701-7757 today to get your online psychic reading done. |
Holistic Wellness ArchitectI help women over 40 build wellness strategies that nurture their body, mind, and spirit. By combining holistic healing practices, creative empowerment techniques, and supportive community connections, I guide them toward unlocking a life filled with vibrancy and fulfillment. Categories
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