Don't take extremely long hot baths.
If you are anything like love taking long hot baths. Taking baths is the perfect way in my opinion to totally hydrate your skin. In rare cases for those who suffer with extremely dry skin this can be very drying for your skin if your soaking in hot water. Hot water can actually strip the moisture and oils out of your skin, leaving it parched, dry and scaly. To make matters worse many people add bubbles (99% are synthetic and toxic) which will also strip the oils your skin needs. For those that suffer with excessive dry skin,
Another tip: Pat dry, don't rub dry when you get out of the bath and grab your towel, gently pat the water off of your skin instead of rubbing your skin dry. This will save your skin the misery of "towel abuse" most men (and some women) habitually inflict on their skin. By patting dry (or gently rubbing), your skin will be able to retain more of the moisture you're going to seal in when you apply a moisturizer (lotion/cream) afterwards. See ya next week, - Demeka Scott
Don't use products that contain mineral oil or any by-product such as petroleum jelly. I know, I know...many will say my grandma and great-grandma used it so why shouldn't I? I say lets compare your lifestyle to theirs...shall we:
I bet your now asking what does that have to do with mineral oil. Mineral oil is a chemical that our bodies can NOT use. Back in the day our ancestors exercised a lot allowing them to sweat away toxins more rapidly. They also ate medicinal herbs, fresh greens and fruits that helped to restore their bodies. "Our food today is laden with chemicals... gmo fruits and vegetables actually harm our body" Mineral oil acts as a barrier when you rub it on your skin. Your body cannot absorb it, so much of it just sits on your skin suffocating it and drying it out even more. That's why it's important for those who suffer with excessive dry skin to quit using products that contain mineral oil and its by-products. I have listed below several by-products of mineral oil, please check the ingredients on your products to see if one of these names listed is on it. If so, throw it away! Buy products that are natural and safe such as Jamion PSC (shameless Other Names For Mineral Oil
Hope you all enjoyed this post...
-Demeka Scott This week Demeka shows you how to make a moisturizing body scrub for "Excessive Dry Skin" month. Body scrubs are great for moisturizing dry skin and removing dead skin. If your one of many who suffer from excessive dry skin, give this recipe a try. Moisturizing Body Scrub 3 1/2 oz Organic Raw Sugar 8 tsp Grape Seed Oil 2 tsp Meadow foam Seed Oil 4 drps Neroli E.O 6 drps Rose E.O 2 drps Sandalwood E.O - Demeka Scott Apply lotion or a cream immediately after showering or bathing.
This technique retains more moisture and it helps to lock in the benefits that the lotion/cream has to offer. With your skin now clean and your pores open...your lotion/cream has a better chance to get in your system and work. ALWAYS apply products that are safe, natural and loaded with benefits for your skin type.
Demeka Scott |
Holistic Wellness ArchitectI help women over 40 build wellness strategies that nurture their body, mind, and spirit. By combining holistic healing practices, creative empowerment techniques, and supportive community connections, I guide them toward unlocking a life filled with vibrancy and fulfillment. Categories
May 2022