There should be no more satisfying and special time in a woman's life than the nine months of pregnancy, but women are often beset by anxiety and discomfort. This is a time to take ultimate care of yourself to help to ensure that you and your baby are as healthy as you two could possible to be. The use of essential oils during pregnancy, labor and after delivery can help immeasurably, both physically and emotionally. The essential oils will pass through the skin and be experienced by your baby, so don't be tempted to either increase or change the recommended oils. There are some oils which should never be used during pregnancy; and some that should be avoided for the first three months (see list below). ACHING BACK OIL Toward the end of pregnancy can be a trying time as the body gets heavier and backaches more frequent. This oil is very gentle and will help to alleviate the depressing, dragging feeling. If used regularly it may help to prevent the backache. *Use only after the first four months. Aching Back Massage Blend
PREGNANCY TEA** Dandelion root and leaf are rich sources of vitamins and minerals, including beta-carotene, calcium, potassium and iron. Dandelion leaf is mildly diuretic: it also stimulates bile flow and helps with the common digestive complaints of pregnancy. Dandelion root tones the liver. Raspberry leaf is rich in vitamins and minerals (especially iron). It tones the uterus, increases milk flow and restores the mother's system after childbirth. Nettle leaf provides the minerals calcium and iron, is mildly diuretic and aids in the elimination of excess water from tissues. Nettle enriches and increases the flow of breast milk and restores the mother's energy following childbirth. **To be used only after the first trimester. Pregnancy Tea Recipe
STRETCH MARKS As soon as pregnancy is confirmed, it's time to start taking extra care of the skin on the tummy, thighs, bottom and breasts. Stretch marks can be largely avoided but not easily cured and the use of these oils morning and night will certainly help to keep the constantly and rapidly stretching skin supple and pliable. Tummy Oil Recipe
Essential oils for use during pregnancy Benzoin, Chamomile (but not during the first four months), Cypress, Geranium (see caution following), Ginger, Grapefruit, Lavender (see caution following), Lemon, Mandarin, Palmarosa, Patchouli, Rose (see caution following), Ylang-Ylang. Caution: Oils which may be unsafe to use during pregnancy Basil, Cedarwood, Celery seed, Cinnamon, Clary sage, Fennel, Galbanum, Hyssop, Jasmine, Juniper, Marjoram, Melissa, Myrrh, Nutmeg, Parsley, Pennyroyal, Peppermint, Rosemary, Thyme. Oils to avoid during the first four months of pregnancy; ~German & Roman Chamomile ~Geranium ~Lavender ~Rose The oils listed above just happen to be oils I have researched. If you're pregnant, please research the contents that you are placing on/in your body. Just because somethings natural it doesn't mean it's safe for your unborn child, remember anything you apply to your body WILL pass through your skin. Due diligence is in order when it comes to your health. Demeka
Feet are the unsung heros who carry us, more or less uncomplainingly, on our journey through life. We usually give them attention only if the ache or grow corns. We abuse our feet with ill-fitting shoes, synthetic shoes, stockings, tights or socks, by cutting toes nails incorrectly, weighing too much and standing for too long. Let's give a thought and a cheer to the feet and promise them a bit of loving care. ATHLETE'S FOOT Athlete's foot or tines is caused by infectious fungi that are rife in gymnasiums and swimming pools. The skin is itchy and flaky and the areas between the toes become spongy and white. ~ Wear cotton or woolen socks and non-synthetic shoes. ~ Dry the feet very thoroughly after washing. ~ Wash the socks and towels separately using a few drops of tea tree oil in the final rinse to prevent the infection spreading to others. Treatment of Athlete's Foot Add four drops or mauka essential oil, and four drops lavender essential oil, to one teaspoon vegetable oil. Add to a bowl of warm water large enough for the feet. Stir to disperse the oils, and soak the feet for five minutes. dry gently but well, particularly between the toes. Dust with Herb Oil Foot Powder, which is antiviral, and a deodorant. Herbal Oil Foot Powder
To make and use:
BUNIONS & CORNS Bunions are a swelling, thickening, and deformity of the joint of the big toe nearest to the foot. Pain and discomfort is created by the chafing caused by shoes. Massage Blend for Bunions
To make and use:
Treatment for Corns It is possible to buy a hard black pumice-like treatment called a "chirpody sponge". If the corn is not too painful, it may be removed by following the instructions on the packet. After treatment, apply Calendula infused oil to the area, and either bandage, or use a non-stick dressing. If the corn is too painful for the abrasive treatment, massage it with Calendula infused oil morning and night, cover with a dressing and when soft enough, lift out the core. Shoes are almost invariably the cause of corns, so find the culprits and bin them! SWOLLEN ANKLES & FEET Feet can swell for many reasons, and most of these are not serious conditions and are easily treated. If your feet and legs swell often, it may be an indication of either a heart of kidney problem, and you should seek professional help. Not serious causes include standing for long periods of time, arthritis, rheumatism, varicose veins, constipation, hot weather, long flights. Elevating the feet, avoiding sitting or standing without movement for lengthy periods, and addressing the problem of constipation, can all help to avoid or cure this condition. Ice-cold compresses containing lavender, cypress, and lavender essential oils, laid on the ankles and feet will reduce the selling, while the below massage blend will reduce the feeling of "fullness" and discomfort. Massage Blend For Swollen Feet & Ankles
To make and use:
ACHING FEET After being on your feet all day, they deserve some special attention. Try soaking them in a warm bath first, then use my Foot-Ease Oil as a massage oil to complete the treatment. Foot-Ease Oil Recipe
Oils used in recipe: Rosemary oil in baths and massage oils are used to ease the pain of aching muscles, arthritis, bruises, gout, rheumatism and sport injuries such as sprains and strains. Rosemary is a strong astringent, it kills bacteria and prevents or destroys fungal infections, making it a good oil to treat athlete's foot. Benzoin oil helps destroy bacterial and fungal infections of the skin and reduces inflammation. It is helpful for arthritis, poor circulation, and rheumatism when used in massage oils. I hope you enjoyed Feet Week :-) Demeka There is nothing more relaxing than a warm why is it not our first choice when we feel ill. Therapeutic Herbal Baths have been around for centuries, there is a ton of proof that they work to relieve headaches, muscle cramps, insomnia, arthritis and so much more. I decided to make this week "Therapeutic Herbal Bath Recipe Week". Baths can have more than just a soothing effect. They can help to remedy a variety of ills, as you will see from this weeks list below. Make either a triple-strength tea and pour the strained liquid into the bath or make as in the oat cleanser recipe, but with herbs as the only ingredient. Therapeutic Herbal Bath Recipe For - INSOMNIA - Make 1 quart (1 liter) of triple-strength chamomile, lavender, and lemon balm tea and pour into a warm bath. Relax for 20 minutes while sipping a cup of chamomile tea. (Therapeutic Herbal Bath Week) Therapeutic Herbal Bath Recipe For - ARTHRITIS - Make 1 quart (1 liter) of triple-strength tea of rosemary and thyme. Add 1 cup (220 g) of epsom salts to the infusion and stir to dissolve. Pour into a deep bath that is a little hotter than usual. Remain in the bath for 30 minutes, massaging affected parts of the body while in the bath. (Therapeutic Herbal Bath Week) Therapeutic Herbal Bath Recipe For - ECZEMA - Put 1 cup (90g) of mixed bran and oats in a muslin bag and tie the top securely. Put the bag into a saucepan and cover with 1 quart (1 liter) of water. Bring to the boil and barely simmer, covered, for 15 minutes. Pour the liquid into the bath and use the muslin bag as a washcloth. Don't use soap. Alternatively, make 1 quart of triple-strength tea of calendula, chickweed, and yarrow, and add to warm bath, making sure that the affected area either submerged or sponged repeatedly with the water. (Therapeutic Herbal Bath Week) Therapeutic Herbal Bath Recipe For - HEADACHES - Make 1 (1 liter) quart of triple-strength lavender and rosemary tea. Add to a warm bath. Add 10 drops of lavender essential oil and swirl to distribute. Relax for 20 minutes. (Therapeutic Herbal Bath Week) Therapeutic Herbal Bath Recipe For - CHILLS AND COLDS - Dissolve two tablespoons of dry mustard powder and add to a footbath of hot water. Keep you feet immersed for 12-20 minutes, topping up with more hot water as needed. Alternatively, make 1 quart (1 liter) of triple-strength tea of borage, sage, and thyme, and pour into a bot bath. Soak for 15-25 minutes. (Therapeutic Herbal Bath Week) In other news...I was featured again on chocolateorchid's blog :-) The wonderful Cheris revisited my story from earlier this year when I was featured as January Heroine Entrepreneur. To read that post, click here This week is.... Citrus Oils Week! I love the smell of citrus oils in my products, they always brighten up my mood upon smelling them...just like fresh air, aahhhhh. Many citrus fruits yield essential oils, and they tend to have similar properties. In general they are refreshing, stimulating oils, good for the morning bath, leaving you feeling cleansed and alive. Below I listed a few citrus fruits and their benefits: LEMON - Possibly the most cleansing and antiseptic of the citrus oils, useful for boosting the immune system and in skin care. It can also refresh and clarify thoughts. GRAPEFRUIT - Oil of grapefruit is very helpful in the digestion of fatty foods and helps to combat cellulite and congested pores. It has an uplifting effect and will sooth headaches and nervous exhaustion. LIMES - Oil of lime is good for stimulating a sluggish system and may be used when a tonic is needed, in massage or in the bath. MANDARIN - Refreshing and cleansing, the sweetly scented oil is especially good for skin problems such as acne. It also helps digestion, soothing heartburn and nausea. BERGAMOT - The peel of the ripe fruit yields an oil that is mild and gentle. It is the most effective antidepressant oil of all, best used at the start of the day. The oil can be used on a burner for generally lifting the atmosphere. Do not use on the skin in bright sunlight, as it increases photosensitivity. Here are some recipes: Citrus Grove Moisturizing Bath Oil This bath oil is dispersible and keeps well without refrigeration. Ingredients
To make and use
Citrus Fruit Salad Refreshing, colorful and full of vitamins, this is sunshine in a bowl. Ingredients
Variation Sweet Citrus Salad Make as above, but replace the 2 grapefruits with 1 pomelo or ugli fruit. These fruits have naturally sweeter flavors, so you can omit the sugar entirely. Hope you enjoyed this post, if you found it informative please feel free to pass along. Have you ever made a wonderful concoction using citrus oils? If so please tell me about...comment below. Thanks, Demeka |
Holistic Wellness ArchitectI help women over 40 build wellness strategies that nurture their body, mind, and spirit. By combining holistic healing practices, creative empowerment techniques, and supportive community connections, I guide them toward unlocking a life filled with vibrancy and fulfillment. Categories
May 2022