Are you struggling with your meditation practice? Meditation is one of the best personal development activities you can perform. While it takes time and patience to become an expert, there are many things you can do to make your time spent meditating easier and more effective. Enhance your meditation experience: 1. Find the proper position. You might not be able to sit in a full-lotus position for hours on end, but you don’t need to. There are two keys to proper posture for meditation:
2. Start slowly. It would appear that sitting still and controlling your thoughts for an hour should be easy. It seems like you’re not doing anything, so why can’t you do it indefinitely, or at least until you need to use the restroom? But meditation is hard work! Start with just five minutes and build from there. 3. Give yourself the best chance to be successful. Some situations make meditation easier to perform than others. Choose an environment conducive to meditating.
4. Consider the use of guided meditation. It can be easier to meditate to someone else’s voice than to take the task on alone. There are plenty of free options online you can try. 5. Give different types of meditation a try. One is sure to appeal to you more than others. Do a little research and determine which type interests you the most. Here are a few to get you started:
6. Meditate with others. It’s not always easy to know if you’re meditating properly. Meditating in a group setting can provide the instruction and support that you need to advance your meditation practice. Give several groups a try before making a decision. You’ll find one group that appeals to you more than the others. 7. Use a timer. A common challenge is the constant checking of the time. You might want to get it over with, or you might be worried about being late for your next activity. A timer frees up your attention and permits a higher level of focus. Meditation is a simple process, but challenging. Do everything you can to make your meditation sessions as productive as possible. While meditation can be difficult, it isn’t impossible. Be persistent and enjoy the many benefits that meditation provides. Till next time peace & blessing, Demeka Purchase your meditation crystal kit by clicking here...
Purchase your meditation incense by clicking here... Aside from offering meditation products and more, Healthy Living Journey also provides spiritual consulting services among other services. So book a session with Demeka in Stone Mountain, GA and have a professional help you in discovering mental clarity. You can also contact us @ 678.701.7757.
As the new moon approaches on 11/4/2021, I begin to think about what crystals I would like to work with. I also think about what corresponding energies (herbs, oils, talismans, etc.) I can use to manifest my desired outcome. Working with aligning energies intensifies my rituals and results. I usually don't work on rituals the day of the new moon because there is really nothing to work with (the moon's energy is low). I will perform my ritual on the 5th (the moon will still be in Scorpio as well, this is perfect because my Moon sign is in Scorpio too). Use this Scorpio moon's energy for self-improvement, correct bad habits and any short comings you may have. This moon will increase sensitivity and you may become emotional charged, so don't get swept away by irritability, mood swings or hysteria! This is a good time to begin a learning process, reading, and studying. It's said during this time and phase of the moon to be generous to others, and yourself, EVERYTHING WILL COME BACK MULTIPLIED! Business wise - it's early to begin new and important actions, this day is for thinking, planning, and gathering strength. Btw, if you're looking for the right time to conceive a child...this is a GOOD time. Below are the crystals I will be working with in my New Moon ritual. Crystals...
Hope this helps you on your moon/crystal journey, Demeka p.s. If you're looking to up your ritual manifestation game, check out my Moon Phase Manifestation Planner. It has everything you need to get started! Check it here! p.s.s.
If you're looking for someone to help you on your spiritual journey to help you manifest your desires book a reading with Demeka in Stone Mountain, GA. You can also contact me @ 678.701.7757. |
Holistic Wellness ArchitectI help women over 40 build wellness strategies that nurture their body, mind, and spirit. By combining holistic healing practices, creative empowerment techniques, and supportive community connections, I guide them toward unlocking a life filled with vibrancy and fulfillment. Categories
May 2022