We all experience them from time to time – roadblocks. These are obstacles in our journeys that keep us from realizing our full potential. When it comes to spiritual growth and guidance, there are many avenues that we naturally seek to explore. And in modern times, we have a plethora of resources to help us access our spiritual guidance. From spiritual gurus and teachers to therapy, practicing mindfulness, meditating, training, yoga, and much more; our options for achieving spiritual guidance are endless. But sometimes, you may encounter a roadblock on your spiritual path. But worry not; you can overcome it and continue your journey towards self-growth. Here’s how: 1. Start Keeping a Journal of All Your Concerns Jotting down your thoughts and emotions in a journal is a time-old way of expressing yourself and seeking answers. In order to receive spiritual guidance, start journaling about areas of your life that you need help with. Write down all thoughts and emotions that worry you about that area of concern. When you write it down in your journal, imagine you’re speaking your concerns out loud to a higher self, God, or whatever source of spiritual guidance feels natural to you. Doing this will help you free up a lot of mental space which will ultimately make your more open to receiving spiritual guidance. It will help you feel calmer. 2. Ask Your Questions
Now that you’ve written down your concerns and are feeling a little more in control, write down the question that you would like an answer to. It is preferable to write more open-ended questions that have more answers than the simple ‘yes’ and ‘no’. You need to access more information about your current situation so you can ask questions like, “What do I know about my situation?” or “How do I feel about this situation?” or “What is my next step?” 3. Write Out the Response You’ve written down your concerns, asked your questions, now it’s time to seek answers. In order to do that, you need to set aside your qualms and opinions about your situation and imagine that you can receive the spiritual guidance you’re looking for. Write down all responses that come to you without filtering them out. Just write whatever comes to your mind. Once you’ve jotted them all down, read them over and see how they make you feel. True spiritual guidance will make you perceive your plight from a positive perspective. About Healthy Living Journey Here at Healthy Living Journey, we have helped many overcome their struggles and live their life more in accordance with their true purpose and energy. If you’re in need of spiritual consulting services, call us now on 678-701-7757 today to heal yourself naturally.
Most of us are brought up to believe that our life is one un-ending race in pursuit of one goal after another. from getting your educational degree to finding a job, getting married, having kids, and then retiring with a nest egg stowed away to tide you by in your later years. But is that all there is to life? Is our mission on planet earth just to stumble from one milestone to another? Or is there a way to make your life more spiritually enriching? Spiritual guidance can help you live your life in a fuller and more wholesome manner. But are you really open towards it? Here are a few tips to help you receive spiritual guidance more naturally. Don’t Let Frustration Get the Best of You Spiritual guidance is a lot like walking; you have in-built skills to help you walk but you have to harness them in order to reach your goal. As a child, you progressed through rolling, crawling, stumbling to walking successfully on your own two feet. It took you a while, but you didn’t let a setback stop you. Similarly, be open to your failures. Don’t get frustrated and berate yourself; instead, patiently wait for the process to move forward. Be Open to Receiving Spiritual Guidance in All Forms When it comes to spiritual guidance, the signs are all around you; you just have to open yourself up to receiving them. Be they visual, auditory, a ‘thought’, or a dream, or even a person; spiritual guidance can reach you in any form. All you need to do is to reflect upon your questions and the answers will seek you. Give NOT Following Your Spiritual Guidance a Try
It may seem funny, trying to not follow your spiritual guidance; aren’t you aiming to do the exact opposite? But sometimes, when you put in too much conscious effort into something, the answer may elude you entirely. At times like these, it is better to switch it up and passively seek answers from your spiritual guidance. Let it find you in a state of willing openness rather than trying to seek it out. Just Relax and Have Fun Seeking spiritual guidance is not a test; you don’t have to ace it right away! It is a journey where you can expect a few roadblocks; but mistakes are part of learning and with time and practice, you too will be able to get clear guidance. Your spiritual guidance will bring you many experiences; sit back and enjoy the ride! Seek Help from a Spiritual Healer If you’re experiencing trouble finding your inner spiritual guidance, spiritual consulting services, such as Healthy Living Journey, can help you heal yourself naturally. We have helped many clients in the past find their true purpose. Contact us on 678-701-7757 today to get your online psychic reading done. |
Holistic Wellness ArchitectI help women over 40 build wellness strategies that nurture their body, mind, and spirit. By combining holistic healing practices, creative empowerment techniques, and supportive community connections, I guide them toward unlocking a life filled with vibrancy and fulfillment. Categories
May 2022