Finding time to meditate can hold you back from beginning your practice. Maybe you try to carve out time, but doctor appointments and business trips get in the way. You can’t find a free hour to sit down. While extended meditation has its benefits, you can also boost your mindfulness with brief breaks of a few minutes or less. Try these tips for calming your mind even on your busiest days. Brief Meditations: How to Do It...
Brief Meditations: When to Do It...
-Demeka Tigner Purchase your meditation crystal kit by clicking here...
Purchase your meditation incense by clicking here... Aside from offering meditation products and more, Healthy Living Journey also provides spiritual consulting services among other services. So book a session with Demeka in Stone Mountain, GA and have a professional help you in discovering mental clarity. You can also contact us @ 678.701.7757.
It’s nice if you can take a month off from work to move into a cedar cabin in Malibu, but you can also go on a refreshing meditation retreat without ever leaving your home. Try these suggestions to set up and enjoy a restful and enriching experience. Steps for Preparing Your Home
During Your Meditations
After Your Retreat Much of the value of any retreat lies in the aftermath. Develop a practical plan of action for reaching your goals. Review your progress daily to help stay on track. Get away from it all while you stay at home. Meditation retreats occur in your mind, so create a peaceful setting and generate positive thoughts you can take along with you when you resume your daily routine. -Demeka Tigner This meditation crystal kit... Grounds, Balances, & Enhance Intuition. It has 4 crystals placed in a white organza pouch with a cut out "flower of life" card and a reference card that details the properties for each stone. Purchase your meditation crystal kit by clicking here...
Purchase your meditation incense by clicking here... Aside from offering meditation products and more, Healthy Living Journey also provides spiritual consulting services among other services. So book a session with Demeka in Stone Mountain, GA and have a professional help you in discovering mental clarity. You can also contact us @ 678.701.7757. Meditation has existed for thousands of years, but it’s never been more popular than it is right now. Meditation provides many health and personal benefits. Meditation is simple, free, and can be done anywhere. It’s well worth your effort. There are numerous reasons to include meditation in your daily life: 1. Boost your health. Regular meditation decreases inflammation, improves immune function, decreases pain, and actually adds grey matter to your brain. 2. Enhance self-control and the ability to regulate emotions. Do you currently have poor impulse control? Do you get upset easily? Meditation can help. Whether you struggle to stick with your diet or control your temper, meditation is beneficial. 3. Slow aging. Cognitive function is better preserved in those that meditate every day.
4. Improve memory and attention. If you can’t remember where you left your car keys, regular meditation might be the answer. It can also increase your ability to concentrate. The ability to stay focused is considered a marker for success. 5. Learn to be more present. Let go of the past and the future. Meditation is all about keeping your mind in the present moment. You’ll feel a sense of relief and great peace.
8. Enjoy a more positive lifestyle. Many of our bad habits are ways of dealing with anxiety and other negative emotions. When these emotions occur less frequently, it’s easier to avoid bad habits. 9. Increase self-awareness. When you meditate, you’re much more aware of your body, thoughts, and feelings. By meditating regularly, you develop a constant awareness of yourself.
Meditation doesn’t have to take up a significant portion of your day. Just a few minutes of meditation provides significant benefits. Start with just 5 minutes of meditation and increase the time as you see fit. If meditation has always seemed a little too new age for you, reconsider. The medical establishment is notoriously conservative, and even it is embracing the benefits of meditation. Meditation provides many benefits, without the cost and danger of a pill. If you’re serious about your health or success, add a daily meditation session to your routine. Purchase your meditation incense by clicking here...
Aside from offering meditation products and more, Healthy Living Journey also provides spiritual consulting services among other services. So book a session with Demeka in Stone Mountain, GA and have a professional help you in discovering mental clarity. You can also contact us @ 678.701.7757. Meditation is an ancient technique that can be beneficial mentally, physically, and spiritually for you. Its many advantages include: ‣Stress relief ‣Increased ability to relax ‣More energy ‣Increased motivation to work toward your goals ‣Better relationships ‣A heightened feeling of well-being ‣Greater self esteem ‣More confidence ‣A stronger connection with your spiritual side And many, many more... Meditation can even reduce stress-related conditions, like high blood pressure, and physical ailments like pain and disease. The process of meditating is not difficult, but it does take some preparation and practice to see the most benefit from it. 1. Peaceful atmosphere. A peaceful atmosphere is essential to a positive meditation experience. Create an atmosphere that is quiet, calm, and comfortable. Turn down your lights, turn off your phone, and put on soft music. Choose music that creates a sense of calm, because music can play an important role in setting a reflecting and contemplating mood. 2. Props. The use of certain props can aid in meditating. Cushions and yoga mats, for example, will provide you a comfortable sitting area for greater peace and enjoyment during your meditation. Portable water fountains and candles can also lend well to creating a comfortable and relaxing environment. 3. Comfortable clothing. Comfort is important when it comes to meditating. Choose clothing and accessories that are loose-fitting and light on your body. 4. Rhythmic breathing. Each breath should be slow, easy, even, and deep. Inhale and exhale in this manner for at least ten breaths or three minutes. 5. Om. "Om" is the sacred syllable. Utter it silently with each inhale and audibly with each exhale. This helps you quiet your mind and release distracting thoughts. 6. Detached observation. Here, you will detach your body and mind. Observe your mind from a detached point of view without criticism or judgment. Gradually, your mind will begin to cease its activities. 7. Meditate. Meditate on anything that moves you. With the world quiet around you, and your mind quiet, you can reach new heights in your thinking during meditation while also calming yourself. • Envision the life you want to live in every detail, including as many of the senses as possible, then feel the positive emotions that go along with it – joy, happiness, pride, gratitude, and more. Enjoy this vision as if it's happening now, not in the future. • If you wish to inhibit pain, let your pain go and feel your body surge with perfect, pain-free health. • Enjoy your meditation to its fullest. Take time to meditate each day. As you practice more, it will become easier to rid your mind of distractions and let the meditating experience envelope you so you can truly enjoy its myriad benefits for your mind, body, and soul! Purchase your meditation incense by clicking here...
Aside from offering meditation products and more, Healthy Living Journey also provides spiritual consulting services among other services. So book a session with Demeka in Stone Mountain, GA and have a professional help you in discovering mental clarity. You can also contact us @ 678.701.7757. Purchase your meditation incense by clicking here... Aside from offering meditation products and more, Healthy Living Journey also provides spiritual consulting services among other services. So book a session with Demeka in Stone Mountain, GA and have a professional help you in discovering mental clarity. Would you like to download a copy of 3 Meditation Techniques? Get it below...
Holistic Wellness ArchitectI help women over 40 build wellness strategies that nurture their body, mind, and spirit. By combining holistic healing practices, creative empowerment techniques, and supportive community connections, I guide them toward unlocking a life filled with vibrancy and fulfillment. Categories
May 2022