Chanson Water Ionizers USA
Are You Suffering From:
Allergies Asthma Arthritis Weight Issues Back Pain Digestion Disorders Constipation Diabetes Hypertension Just about any illness can be prevented by alkalizing your body. You can even slow down the aging process. No sickness or disease can live in an alkaline environment. |
There are several reasons to drink alkaline ionized water, here are a few:
Ionized water increases your bodies fat burning capabilities. Ionized water is up to six times more hydrating than normal water. Ionized water gives you more energy. Ionized water improves mental clarity and concentration. Ionized water delivers more oxygen to your cells. Ionized water increases general well being. Ionized water is a powerful antioxidant that removes toxins from your body. |
The Average Person Ph Balance Is 7.35, The Average Person Gets Sick Over 10 Times A Year (This includes common cold, influenza, tuberculosis, gastrointestinal viruses, cramps, headaches, fevers or worse.)
Getting Your Ph Balance to 9.5,
No Sickness Or Disease Can Exist In That Environment!
Getting Your Ph Balance to 9.5,
No Sickness Or Disease Can Exist In That Environment!
What Is Alkaline Ionized Water?

The term Alkaline Water is just a label used to describe ideal drinking water as provided by nature; one of many labels that arise as we explore the hidden properties of water.
All natural water** consists of H2O molecules and OH- and H+ ions in very small quantities. It is these ions that give acidity and alkalinity to water. When these ions are equal in number, the water is neutral, when the H+ is more it is acidic, when the OH- ions are more, it is alkaline.
Alkaline water has more excess oxygen and alkaline minerals then neutral or acid tap water. It is highly oxygenated water with the oxygen in the stable bias OH- form that is needed by our cells. Each of these ions is bonded with an alkaline mineral in the all important colloidal form.
At pH between 8-10, ionized alkaline water will have 100's of times more excess oxygen then neutral tap water and no acid elements or toxic substances in it.
In health literature alkaline ionized water is also called:
Microwater Ionized Water Micro-clustered water Hexagonal water
Structured Water Reduced Water Ionic Mineral Water Light Water
Living Water Anti-Aging Water Oxygenated Water Energized Water
Miracle Water Electrolysis Reduced Water (ERW)
Water is like a diamond, it has all these properties which can be thought of as the different facets of the water diamond.
Alkaline pH is just one of these facets, the most easily measured facet of the water diamond - hence this term is used the most.
The pH facet of the diamond - the fact that the water ionizer separates neutral tap water to acid and alkaline waters - can be easily checked by the litmus test or by a pH meter by anyone.
All natural water** consists of H2O molecules and OH- and H+ ions in very small quantities. It is these ions that give acidity and alkalinity to water. When these ions are equal in number, the water is neutral, when the H+ is more it is acidic, when the OH- ions are more, it is alkaline.
Alkaline water has more excess oxygen and alkaline minerals then neutral or acid tap water. It is highly oxygenated water with the oxygen in the stable bias OH- form that is needed by our cells. Each of these ions is bonded with an alkaline mineral in the all important colloidal form.
At pH between 8-10, ionized alkaline water will have 100's of times more excess oxygen then neutral tap water and no acid elements or toxic substances in it.
In health literature alkaline ionized water is also called:
Microwater Ionized Water Micro-clustered water Hexagonal water
Structured Water Reduced Water Ionic Mineral Water Light Water
Living Water Anti-Aging Water Oxygenated Water Energized Water
Miracle Water Electrolysis Reduced Water (ERW)
Water is like a diamond, it has all these properties which can be thought of as the different facets of the water diamond.
Alkaline pH is just one of these facets, the most easily measured facet of the water diamond - hence this term is used the most.
The pH facet of the diamond - the fact that the water ionizer separates neutral tap water to acid and alkaline waters - can be easily checked by the litmus test or by a pH meter by anyone.
** Note: Distilled or de-ionized water does not have any ions in it, it therefore can not be 'ionized' by a water ionizer. A water ionization merely separates the ions that are present in the water.
Rain water is not the same as de-ionized water. Rain water is alive, it has some 'impurities' obtained from the air or from contact with the ground. Distilled/de-ionized water does not form crystals easily if at all, whereas rain water does which is why you get snow flakes
Rain water is not the same as de-ionized water. Rain water is alive, it has some 'impurities' obtained from the air or from contact with the ground. Distilled/de-ionized water does not form crystals easily if at all, whereas rain water does which is why you get snow flakes
What Is Ph Balance?

Our blood pH should ideally by 7.365. At this slightly alkaline pH level our bodies function optimally. Like gravity, we are continuously pushed towards acidity from the food we eat. Even if we consume perfect food, the digestion process will always create organic acid wastes which we will need to remove.
Why Drink Alkaline Ionized Water?

We need to drink 2-3 litres of good quality water; this is an essential requirement for our body. We lose around 1.5 litres a day from sweat, urine and breath. Most of us don't because it's difficult to drink tap water - it just doesen't taste good, is heavy on the stomach so we just don't drink enough. As a result, most of us are dehydrated and don't even know it. We often mistake the thirst signal for hunger, and overeat.
There are many reasons for drinking ionized water, but for me the most important reason is that it allows you to drink the required 2-3 litres of water a day very easily. The other, some what magical properties are a plus.
Ionized water is light water, very easy to drink. This is the first thing you will notice when you drink it. It is considered the best water you can drink; water as it should be; pure, fresh, invigorating, life enhancing and delicious. Ionized water is like having pure water from the high Himalayas or the Alps on tap.
There are many reasons for drinking ionized water, but for me the most important reason is that it allows you to drink the required 2-3 litres of water a day very easily. The other, some what magical properties are a plus.
Ionized water is light water, very easy to drink. This is the first thing you will notice when you drink it. It is considered the best water you can drink; water as it should be; pure, fresh, invigorating, life enhancing and delicious. Ionized water is like having pure water from the high Himalayas or the Alps on tap.

Ionized water has been shown to be more effective then ordinary water in removing acid wastes from your body which cause Toxemia, the root cause of all degenerative diseases like cancer. It is up to six times more hydrating then ordinary water because of the smaller size of the water clusters, allowing the water to penetrate deeply and hydrate all the cells in your body if you drink enough of it. Not only does it tastes good, ionized water also gives you countless health benefits such as slowing down or reversing the aging process, giving you more energy, giving your cells and tissues an alkaline boost, and helping you to detox by dissolving and removing the acid poisons from your body.

Tap water & bottled drinking water (tap in a bottle) are contaminated with unnatural chemicals made to kill microorganisms...WE ARE LIVING ORGANISM! We don't need any rocket scientist to tell us that those chemicals will eventually hurt us if enough is consumed in our system.
Disclaimer: The testimonials, videos and comments herein are the expressed opinions and experiences of the individual persons shared under their 1st amendment right of free speech. The information on this web site has not been reviewed by the FDA. Products offered for sale herein are not intended to treat, cure or prevent any disease or health condition. No medical claims are being made or implied by Chanson Water USA,. Inc or Healthy Living Journey.